World Radiation Tracker

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For instructions on obtaining your GPS coordinates, click here
My radiation meter is a GQ390?
For consistency, Z5G researchers are using a CQ390 meter reader. If you have a good quality reader other than the GQ390, please let us know in the Model number field below.
Enter the model number of the read you are using here.
Either copy/paste the Link to the tower details from the RFNSA website, or enter in the RFNSA tower ID number.

Slow motion animation: near-field chaos and far-field radiation from a dipole antenna     Source: S4WT

Radiation Is Defined As Pollution



Link To ChartRadiofrequency Microwave Radiation Exposure Guidelines 

Link To Signal Strength RF Microwave Radiation Exposure Guidelines


Link To Building Biology Institute Evaluation Guidelines


Donate to Z5G Meter Gifting HERE


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